September 10th 2019
Hipark by Adagio Nice, 22 Boulevard du Général Louis Delfino – 06300 Nice
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We are pleased to welcome you to the ITBCC 2.0 meeting in Nice.

Dear par­ti­ci­pants of the ITBCC 2016

Three years ago we had a very suc­cess­ful mee­ting in Bern and again we would like to thank you for all your ef­forts and sup­port. As stated during the mee­ting in 2016, the ITBCC is not an end­point, but the be­gin­ning of a hope­ful­ly pro­mi­sing and fruit­ful path for tumor bud­ding in co­lo­rec­tal cancer. Some of the ITBCC 2016 par­ti­ci­pantsof are also col­la­bo­ra­ting in the in­ter­na­tio­nal bud­ding con­sor­ti­um (IBC). During an IBC Mee­ting, we had the idea to or­ga­ni­ze in 2019 at the ESP in Nice the ITBCC 2.0.

The aims of this mee­ting are

  • To dis­cuss your ex­pe­ri­en­ce with tumor bud­ding in daily prac­tice since 2016
  • To look at the ITBCC va­li­da­ti­on papers 2016-2019
  • To dis­cuss fur­ther pro­ce­du­res

This event is based on a per­so­nal in­vi­ta­ti­on and only re­gi­ste­red and con­fir­med people have access to Member-Area.

Re­gi­stra­ti­on dead­line is Monday 12th August 2019

We are aware that many of us have a full agenda at the ESP mee­ting. The­re­fo­re, we selec­ted Tu­es­day af­ter­noon, pro­bab­ly the moment with less over­lap­ping events.

We are loo­king for­ward to see you in Nice on Sep­tem­ber 10th 2019

Iris Nag­te­gaal  &  Ales­san­dro Lugli

Your Contact person
Do you have any questions about the event or registration?
Please contact me.

Miryam Blass­nigg


Phone: +41(0)31 632 99 59


*-Please fill in this field


Miryam Blassnigg

Executive Assistant

Institute of Pathology

Murtenstrasse 31

CH-3008 Bern

Phone: +41(0)31 632 9959
